All Cascade orders are technically preorders while we ramp our production to meet demand. New orders are currently expected to ship in December 2024. We ship largely in order of transactions received. The following projections are up-to-date to the best of our knowledge, but many variables are outside our control. Updated frequently.
Match your order number to the progress tracker below to get the best current estimate for your order ship date. Please be cautious about scheduling family vacations depending on your order arriving in time as these are still only estimates and are subject to change.
Countries currently available for pre-order are USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.
Our first shipments to each country outside the US and Canada will be done one at a time until successful deliveries have been confirmed. This may cause additional delay to your delivery. If order fulfillment is unsuccessful, you will be issued a full refund.